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Wives and Knives was created by a group of 4 friends with a shared love of true crime. Initially we planned to form a monthly discussion group, we would meet, eat and discuss a well known crime that we had all researched in preparation; however this was forced online by the plague of 2020. We took our interest to zoom/facebook (whatever worked and was free) which ended up being a weekly event and the fucking highlight amongst the shower of shit that was (is) that time period.


The group consists of four woman who are based in Lancashire, Dani, Kelly, Lucy & Sharon. ( No we're not a girl band from Nineties) Most of us are wives or are due to become wives - again "fuck you Rona" for ruining a member's and many others weddings...


We all have varied Jobs, from Upper Management to Pathology,  but we call come together in the name of True Crime.  


As for most True Crime Aficionado's we have our favourite Cases, Killers, & Specific interests, hang on that sounds weird, like one of us is into clowns only, that's not the case.... I fucking hate clowns. *Update Dani likes clowns ffs. 


So each week we have been selecting the case that we want to look into the most, and doing a shit tonne of research to boot.  Whilst "Murder Club' has been fun it also seemed a bit of a waste to do nothing with said tonne of notes, so we started to dream ...that maybe this could be more than just a small club, what if this could be an awesome podcast & Blog; a place to collate information from multiple sources, to examine a crime from every angle.  We could provide a full overview of a case, utilise our notes and all the sources we use, giving credit to all the researchers before us.  There may be things that we can't explain, okay there will  definitely be...but we can provide a safe space for wierdo's like us and our own little True Crime Community.


So, wanna come along for the ride? wanna make some new friends? (oh god sound like a paedo...)  No Safe Space!! Reiterating SAFE SPACE!! 

Seriously though, no more Paedo talk, unless in relation to a case; that said we aren't just gonna focus on murder, our interests cover everything macabre and weird, nothing's gonna be out of bounds and we'd be open to suggestions from our new True Crime Community.  








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