This week it's a revisit of a case we covered back before we were an actual podcast. It's been a mad week in Kelly Land never mind Wives & Knives World so we decided to dig one out of the vault.
I say that as a lot of work goes into producing this podcast weekly, and recently I have had a lot on my plate.
I officially finished work with the NHS this week after over a decades service. I'd lost any passion i had for my job way before lockdown and whilst i still love the NHS it's time for a PLOT TWIST for me; I'll keep you posted.
I've recently been regularly swimming at the local outdoor water sports centre, The Delph. I mentioned this place in Episode 4 - Marty Johnstone and I've now become a bit of a regular. I've loved spending time there and all the people I've met and chatted to have been great. it's my happy place of present :) x
That said, i am going to be using some of my time to not only work on my other ventures but focus on improving the volume and sound quality on our earlier episodes. We've had some feedback from listeners new and old and we are listening. Bare with me and i make them better for you.
Dani has been a busy bee as per usual but currently it's heavily wedding prep related. We are planning on taking a bit of a break in September, for a week, to accommodate the true crime wedding of the year. In lieu of an episode we are going to be posting heavily on Instagram with lots of wedding party photo's.
We also need to shout out to Mazy Ramsden, Mazy is the very talented, intelligent and beautiful daughter of our Shar. I've known Mazy since she was her mum's height (forgive me Sharon that was too funny not to include) and it is awesome to see her going out into the world creating and designing amazing things. Mazy is one of the loveliest people, a credit to her family & friends and I am proud to know her - she has designed us the coolest artwork and I think we can all agree when I say #TOTALT-SHIRT
I have to credit a particular blog that I read when we originally researched the case; way back. the blog is called chilling crimes and since I first stumbled over them whilst researching Jacque I've gone back and read a few more of their cases. you should check them out - links in the sources as usual.
You can read the original notes used for the Jacque case over in that specific blog post so this week's post is gonna be short and sweet instead.